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Roseline shark Complete Care Guide

The Roseline shark is a handsome, active fish native to South India. However, its sudden popularity resulted in over-harvests; Hence, it is now on the list at risk. If you choose Denison Barbs, you will need to purchase several – and you will need a fairly large freshwater tank. 


Scientific name: Puntius denisonii

Synonyms Barbus denisonii, Barbus denisoni, Puntius denisoni, Crossocheilus denisonii, Labeo denisonii

Common names: Bleeding Eye Barb, , Denison’s Flying Fox, Denison Barb, Red Comet Barb, Red Line Barb, Red Drawn Torpedo Fish, Roseline Shark, Torpedo Barb, Miss Kerala

family: Cyprinidae

origin: South india

Adult size: 6 inches (15 cm)

Social Peaceful with similar sized fish

lifespan: 5+ years

Fuel level: Medium level

Minimum size of the tank 55 gallons

diet Omnivorous, eats most foods

breed Egg layer

maintenance Easy

PH value 6.8-7.8

hardness 5-25 dGH

temperature 60-77 degrees Fahrenheit (15-25 degrees Celsius)

Origin and distribution

This species was first described in 1865 and is endemic to Kerala and southern Carnataka in southern India and is often referred to as the Malabar Coast. They are found in large schools in pools, creeks, and rivers that are generally heavily overgrown and rocky, with the water heavily oxygenated.

Like many species, the Denison Barb has been given several scientific names as well as a variety of generic names. Currently the recognized scientific name for this species is Puntius denisonii . Previous scientific names include Barbus denisonii, Barbus denisoni, Crossocheilus denisonii, and Labeo denisonii . In their home country, India, they are often referred to as “Miss Kerala”. Other common names are Bleeding Eye Barb, Denison Barb, Denison’s Flying Fox, Roter Kometenbock, Red Line Barb, Roter Torpedofisch, Roseline Shark and Torpedo Barb.

This barb is an example of what can happen to a species that is caught wild and suddenly in high demand.

After being named one of the best new fish species by Aquarama, the international ornamental fish exhibition, this fish quickly became very popular. Within a decade, a good half of all ornamental fish exports from India were Denison Barbs. Unfortunately, the result has been a significant decline in game stocks, largely due to overfishing.

The loss of natural habitat as a result of pollution and deforestation has also contributed to the reduction of these species in the wild. Efforts have been made to address this by introducing no-pickup periods and commercial breeding programs in Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe. However, this fish remains endangered and is on the IUCN red list.

Dyes and markings

Long and torpedo-shaped, it’s easy to see why many call this the Red Lined Torpedo Barb. The silvery body of this fish is marked by a black line that runs the length of the body from the snout to the tail. Opposite this is a glowing red line that runs just above the black line and runs from the nose through the eye to the center of the body. The dorsal fin is also bordered in light red, while the caudal fin is striped with black and yellow stripes. Older specimens are known to develop a greenish tinge on the head. This species grows to six inches and has two barbels to help them find prey. They are an active species that need lots of space to swim.In recent years, a gold variant has been bred that has the red stripe but does not have the black stripe of the standard variety.


Denison barbs are generally peaceful, but they can be aggressive and care should be taken to keep them with similar or larger species. They should be kept in schools of half a dozen or more. Hence, they’re best kept only in larger tanks of 55 gallons or more. Other barbs, danios, larger members of the Tetra family, rainbows, and most cichlids are suitable tankmates. The key is to put them in a school and give them plenty of space.

Denison Barb Habitat and Care

Because this species is large and is best kept in groups, they’ll make for larger tanks of 55 gallons or more. The tank should have enough space to swim as it is an active fish that needs to move. Some hiding places are also recommended. Rock caves or driftwood can be used.

Live plants are problematic as they can be uprooted. However, sturdy species like Anubias can be used if they are well anchored.

Water conditions are important as this species is used to high oxygen levels and pristine water. Large amounts of organic material are not well tolerated. Therefore, regular water changes and tank cleaning are key to keeping this species healthy. Some water agitation is also required, which can be provided with a spray bar or drive head. Water temperatures can be lower than other tropical fish. however, sudden drops in temperature should be avoided. The pH value can range from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline and the hardness can be up to 25 dGH.

Denison Barb Diet

Denison barbs are omnivorous and accept many foods. For optimal health, they should be fed a variety of foods, including meaty foods as well as plant-based foods. Live foods are readily accepted, including blood worms, daphnia, cyclops, and shrimp. Algae, spirolina and even fresh vegetables are also gladly accepted.


There are few clear differences between the sexes. However, adult women grow slightly taller, heavier, and sometimes less colored than men.

Breed Denison Barb

Currently, only limited spawnings have been reported in domestic aquariums. These cases were accidental and little is known about the conditions under which spawning occurred. However, there are successful commercial spawning operations that have used hormones to stimulate spawning in this species. These successful spawnings took place in soft acidic water with the eggs scattered on plants


More pet fish breeds and further research

If you are interested in similar breeds, visit:

  • Black Ruby Barb Fish Breed Profile

  • Gold Barb Fish Breed Profile

  • Tiger Barb Fish Breed Profile

Otherwise, you can also look at all other freshwater farmed fish profiles.

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